Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mini Project!

This is my mini-project #3
This project is called..cup fizz!

In chemistry, I made a cup fizz out bubbles of vinegar and baking soda! It looked like a slushy from ICEE, but I wouldn't drink it!! It's not very good for anyone!!
The materials that I needed were:

  • food coloring (to make the "fizz" different colors)
  • some vinegar
  • baking soda
  • a plastic cup
So I poured some vinegar into the cup, added some red food coloring, and some baking soda and CABOOM! Fizz started busting out of the cup! The fizz traveled so quickly, it happened in a snap! It was very impressive. So I basically took and acid and a base, mixed them together, and it caused a reaction that ended up with the fizz!

Photo credit: Kayla J. 7

Mini Project!

This blog post is my mini project #2.

I'd like to call this one glass-bending! We took some glass and we made it bend in to different shapes! Now you may ask...how is this possible? Wouldn't the glass break? But all questions are answered, once you do the experiment of course..

Well, here are the supplies that we needed in order to make this possible!:
  • glass rod
  • filer
  • fire
  • tongs

First we had to use the filer to break the glass in half. Then, we put our glass piece in the flame, and with our tongs, we shaped the glass into cool shapes! The glass bended really easily, once the glass had melted to the point where we can actually bend it.

Now to answer the previous questions, the glass doesn't break unless you keep the glass in the same spot under the flame for a long time. And this is possible because you have to find the melting point of the glass..

Certain glasses have different melting points, but usually glass has a melting point of about 14ooo degrees Celsius! However, we don't completely melt the glass, we melt it to the point where it can bend comfortably.

photo credit:Kayla J. 7

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chemistry satnDard!

Chem std: 5c: Students know strong acids and bases fully dissociate and weak acids and bases partially dissociate.

Strong acids are acids that can completely dissociate to produce and H+ ions in a solution, like water. The important causes for a strong acid to dissociate is its conjugate base and conductivity. The conjugate bases should be weak. Weak acids only partially dissociate. This happens because the acid cannot conduct electricity or there is an effective base that attracts H+ ions in the solution.

A strong base is a substance that can dissociate in a solution to produce hydroxide ions (OH-). For example, if a solid sodium hydroxide ion (NaOH) dissolves in water, the products should be Na+ and OH- in order to be a strong base. Weak bases will not be able to produce the OH- ion.

As you can see, strong acids and bases are the substances that can split up in a soultion completeley. The weak acids and bases are only able to do that partially.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mills Canyon Trip

On Thursday April 29, 2010, our chem class went on a field trip through the Mills Canyon in Burlingame. We walked there, to the canyon, and then we walked around the whole canyon! We walked this giant circle, but the views were pretty nice. I think I was more tired than I have ever been walking on that trip, mostly due to the hot weather. It was a nice trail, and I think I might want to do that again someday, but with different clothes and shoes!

View Chem Field Trip! in a larger map

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Okay, so I finally did my slime mini-project!
It was definitely a lot easier than I thought it would be, except that instead of liquid starch, I used borax powder which works just as well.
So this is what you need:
  • Glue (like Elmer's Glue)
  • Borax Powder
  • water
  • food coloring
  • spoons for mixing
  • tablespoons
  • cups

You first put the glue in a bowl, then add two tablespoons of water. At this point you have to dd your food coloring and stir. Then you add the Borax Powder, like one tablespoon, and stir some more. In a few seconds, you should have your slime ready, but before you play with it just yet, you have to put it in the refrigerator, still in the bowl, for a couple of hours.
The glue works as a polymer and enables the slime to be stretched and played with. The Borax Powder makes sure that the glue polymers are together, which allows us to play with it!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Propose We....


So Kayla and I were thinking of different scientific projects that we can do, with the stuff that we found in the classroom! Fortunately, we have found projects that we can do. I am the leader of a project that we call SLIME. We are going to explain how to make a slime, using basic ingredients that we found in the classroom, and how it relates to science! I'm really excited for this project to take place because I never thought that slime would be so fun, yet scientific at the same time..I feel like we will have a good time and learn a lot with this project.

International Week!!

International week at Mills is the greatest!

All of the flags, food, and shows are so nice to experience. Out of everything though, my favorite is the International Food Faire. There are tables and more tables set up with different types of food from all sorts of cultures and clubs! It's overwhelming! However, it's all so delicious. My favorite food that I get has to be the burritos sold by my club, Latina Mentor Program. They are the perfect size and they taste delicious! But the desserts are always amazing too, like I had a Connolly and it was delicious! The thing that makes the faire not great, is the lines! Sometimes the lines for a certain food is so big, that I can't even see the food that is being sold! But I guess it's in the package=]

Another thing, is the assembly. I'm usually performing a type of Latin dance for my club, but when I get to see the other culture performing, it's so nice! Everyone is so good and passionate about what they are dancing to, or presenting, it gives me a taste of what their culture is like. Shows and food is the best way to experience someone else's culture, I agree completely!


Everybody has a friend. I think that's what I love about friendship, that nobody can be left behind in the social status, because everyone has someone that they can talk to, hangout with, and make memories with. Friends are something that everyone needs to keep sane, and go on everyday. My best friends and I have been friends since kindergarten and Parkside junior high school! I think it's so crazy how people can be so alike, but so different at the same time, yet we all go together..

Friends can be found anywhere, acquaintances are friendships too because you know each other and you get along with that person. I love being with my true friends, the time goes by so quickly, yet it only seems like we've been together for 10 minutes! I have the best times with my friends, and those are the memories that I'll bring with me as I get older. Those are the memories that will matter, not the loads of homework that I get, and not the bad days that I get, but the moments that I have spent with my best friends..


Music is relaxing.

I feel so much better when my i-pod is plugged into my ear and all of my favorite songs are playing, or when I'm in the car and i turn the radio on, and my favorite song is jamming on my favorite stations. Music makes me feel so much better, especially when I'm having a bad day because it makes me feel better to know that my favorite songs are playing, and it makes me want to have a singing/dancing party! It makes me forget about the bad day I was just having, or it just makes my day so much better in general. I love love all types of music! I love: hip-hop/rap, r&b, rock, pop, Latin, reggeaton, and old school. However, my favorite out of everything is r&b. Most r&b songs are really relaxing, and most have a really good beat that I can dance to. I think r&b is the best of everything and I can listen to it all day. I believe music is also a way of expression, and everyone loves music. I can't make up any reason why someone wouldn't?

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Vacuums involving pressure are way different than Vacuums that involve picking up the dust that's all around us. David and Joan Webb proved that to me on Tuesday during a presentation. I really liked the presentation because it involved ordinary objects being put into a vacuum, nd changing size dramatically! There was one that made a marshmellow grow and a water balloon! Now how did this happen? Apparently, When you suck out the air of a space, the air that is already in the object expands and makes the object bigger! So I guess I can say that vacuums involving pressure and regular vacuums are the same in some ways. They both take in all the stuff, both involving air! I really liked this presentation because I learned so much, and in such a different way than in class. It was differeent, and not to mention Mr. and Mrs. Webb! I think they were the perfect presentors for this type of presentation because they had so much personality and they are married=] I just thought that was adorable, although the Science information was good too.!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mini DAy!

Today is thw most fantastic day of this week! MINI DAY! I love mini days, we get out at 12:30 and the world is ours! I love being able to go somewhere and eat lunch with some friends=] And especially on a Friday! It's the perfect way to start of the "longer" weekend! And today I'm going to Chilies with some friends and we're going to hangout at the mall=] Tanforan is the best on Friday's after school. I'm finaly going to watch Alice In Wonderland, because I have been wanting to see it, but I havent had the chance! This weekend is going to be fantastic! On Saturday I'm having a car wash with my club.....Those are soo much fun, especaially on sunny days like this! We get to eat eat eat and wash cars, be with friends, and get some cash! Sounds like a perfect day to me=] After I'm going to my godparents house and I'm having a sleepover! I love our sleepovers, they're so much fun! What's better than Watching movies all night and eating my heart out=] I'm excited, then Sunday I'm going to the city! It's going to be wonderful...the city is a place where I can shop! And of couse go site-seeing. This weekend is great, too bad i have some homework, or else it would have been the cherry on top.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


This Friday there is the best thing on Earth. NO SCHOOL! and I am watching Wicked the play! I have never seen it before, obviously, but I haven't really understood the story either?
But everything is going to be cleared on Friday! I'm really excited because I love dressing up to go see a show, it is one of the funnest things. And it is in the city, at the Orpheum Theatre! I'm so excited becuase I heard that Wicked is such a good play, I'm so happy that I'm going to be seeing it for myself! And....just like everyone said, IT WAS WONDERFUL! I loved it. While I was watching it, the story went so well with The Wizard Of OZ, it all made sense! It was such a good experience, I think I'm going to tell my grandchildren about this=]

The Happiest Place On EARTH.

I have never been to Disney Land.
Whenever I say that, I always get the same reaction "what?! really?!" I can say that I have been there, but when I was 2, It doesn't count. But, I'm so excited this summer because I am GOING TO DISNEY LAND! I'm finally going to see the place that everyone calls "the happiest place on earth". I'm really excited because I'm going to be driving up to San Diego for LEGO LAND. and then I'm driving to LA for DISNEY LAND! So basically I'm going to be on a week vacation driving to all of these wonderful places. And it's in the summer, so I'm going to be having a really nice tan when I come back to school, which is always a plus=] I am so ready for the summer that's ahead, all I need to do is be done with school!

Who's going to be the next American Idol?

Okay..so I love the show American Idol. Unfortunately I haven't been keeping up with it very much because I usually am very busy=[ But I manage to watch the most of it..and so far, I am pretty impressed. I love how good the new singers are. It seems like every year there are lots of new people who have wayyyyyyy better voices! My favorite has to be Lee Dewyze=]
He his such a good singer, he has that voice that is a rocker, but it isn't as hard core. He has to win because I think he's the best, and the others have some competition!
I know that American Idol is slowly but surly becoming over-rated, but I'm still a fan.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New York=]

I have always wanted to go to New York! Like it is one of the many things that I have to do in my lifetime. It's sort of like a "Bucket List" that i have. I really would love to walk the streets of New York City. The lights, cabs, people, and buildings are all there waiting for me to see them! It's all so welcoming...and especially the SHOPPING. I would love love to spend all the money that I have into new clothes, shoes, jackets, and accessories that I can find in the many stores of New York. I've heard that it is one of the most fashionable places ever, and I think I would believe it. From the TV shows that I have watched, all of the city life fun and shopping is in New York. Now why wouldn't I want to go there?! I really want to go with a girlfriend of mine, or simply a family trip too! I just want to make it something that I will remember forever, with people that i Love, and i'm sure that it definately will be an adventure! I just hope it comes true, and the next thing you know i will be on the next flight into The Big Apple.

Winter Formal!

This year I have decided that Iam going to two formals! I'm getting invited to Cap's Winter Formal by one of my best friends! And I have to go to Mills' formal because....that's my school! I have to show up to that one, and I'm pretty excited because I love getting all ready for the night. I love curling my hair, and putting on some makeup to look picture perfect.=]

But i think the best part to getting ready is definately : the dress! It just happens to be the most important part to getting ready, the dress has to look formal.! so we already know that everyone is going to be looking nice.

It seems like this is going to be fun, dancing the night away with your friends! what is better than that?

Valentine's Day

Love is in the air this time of year=]

I'm especially excited this year because I'm having a sleepover with my cousins/besties.

On top of that, we are having this little gift exchange and everything! I'm so excited, we are going to watch movies, make cookies, and share our gifts! This Valentine's Day might be the greatest=] I'm not too sure what movies we are going to watch, I hope they are really good.

I am also planning on watching the new movie coming out called Valentine's Day! It's aout all of these couples and how they are going to spend there Valentine's Day..I'm pretty sure that that is what it is about, but all sorts of good actors are in it and I'm very excited. This weekend is going to be great!

Time just happens to fly by so quickly!

I don't know why, but I feel like this schoolyear has gone by soooo fast! We only have about three months left until I am a junior! I have no idea where the time has gone..I feel as if I was just a little First grader, and now I am on my way into my third year of high school, almost ready to face the world on my own. I guess it is true when people say that "life goes by quickly" I absolutely believe it. Maybe it is just something about Mills High School that makes it all go by even faster. I always catch myself saying "school sucks" or "I can't wait until I leave forever!" But now that I think about it, I should take advantage of high school, because it can't ever come back after I take that walk across the stage! time flies.....


Spirit week is here!

Friday is the homegoing rally, and I am dancing in it! I'm a part of Mrs.Lighty's dance club, and so we were able to dance in the rally tomorrow. It's really cool mostly because I get to skip 2nd and 4th period.....but on top of that I get to dance to Mama Mia! It's a song from Abba and it's pretty cool.. The dance was really complicated though! We sort of did it last minute, but we all got it together and it looks really nice..and the clothes we are supposed to wear is like 70's style. I'm thinking. so I have to look something like this: shiny colors, leggings, and something cute with my hair...I'm not too sure how I'm going to do that, but I guess i will just have to see how everything goes! but I am pretttttty excited.=]

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Like Dissolves Like!

Like dissolves like is a solvent dissolving a solute.. they dissolve each other because they are either both polar, or non polar. Dissolving is to make a solution by combining/mixing a solute and a solvent together. Water is known as the "universal solvent" because it is most likely to dissolve anything. It's interesting to see what it can actually dissolve!