Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mini Project!

This blog post is my mini project #2.

I'd like to call this one glass-bending! We took some glass and we made it bend in to different shapes! Now you may ask...how is this possible? Wouldn't the glass break? But all questions are answered, once you do the experiment of course..

Well, here are the supplies that we needed in order to make this possible!:
  • glass rod
  • filer
  • fire
  • tongs

First we had to use the filer to break the glass in half. Then, we put our glass piece in the flame, and with our tongs, we shaped the glass into cool shapes! The glass bended really easily, once the glass had melted to the point where we can actually bend it.

Now to answer the previous questions, the glass doesn't break unless you keep the glass in the same spot under the flame for a long time. And this is possible because you have to find the melting point of the glass..

Certain glasses have different melting points, but usually glass has a melting point of about 14ooo degrees Celsius! However, we don't completely melt the glass, we melt it to the point where it can bend comfortably.

photo credit:Kayla J. 7

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