Friday, March 19, 2010

Mini DAy!

Today is thw most fantastic day of this week! MINI DAY! I love mini days, we get out at 12:30 and the world is ours! I love being able to go somewhere and eat lunch with some friends=] And especially on a Friday! It's the perfect way to start of the "longer" weekend! And today I'm going to Chilies with some friends and we're going to hangout at the mall=] Tanforan is the best on Friday's after school. I'm finaly going to watch Alice In Wonderland, because I have been wanting to see it, but I havent had the chance! This weekend is going to be fantastic! On Saturday I'm having a car wash with my club.....Those are soo much fun, especaially on sunny days like this! We get to eat eat eat and wash cars, be with friends, and get some cash! Sounds like a perfect day to me=] After I'm going to my godparents house and I'm having a sleepover! I love our sleepovers, they're so much fun! What's better than Watching movies all night and eating my heart out=] I'm excited, then Sunday I'm going to the city! It's going to be wonderful...the city is a place where I can shop! And of couse go site-seeing. This weekend is great, too bad i have some homework, or else it would have been the cherry on top.

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