Thursday, March 25, 2010


Vacuums involving pressure are way different than Vacuums that involve picking up the dust that's all around us. David and Joan Webb proved that to me on Tuesday during a presentation. I really liked the presentation because it involved ordinary objects being put into a vacuum, nd changing size dramatically! There was one that made a marshmellow grow and a water balloon! Now how did this happen? Apparently, When you suck out the air of a space, the air that is already in the object expands and makes the object bigger! So I guess I can say that vacuums involving pressure and regular vacuums are the same in some ways. They both take in all the stuff, both involving air! I really liked this presentation because I learned so much, and in such a different way than in class. It was differeent, and not to mention Mr. and Mrs. Webb! I think they were the perfect presentors for this type of presentation because they had so much personality and they are married=] I just thought that was adorable, although the Science information was good too.!

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