Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Everybody has a friend. I think that's what I love about friendship, that nobody can be left behind in the social status, because everyone has someone that they can talk to, hangout with, and make memories with. Friends are something that everyone needs to keep sane, and go on everyday. My best friends and I have been friends since kindergarten and Parkside junior high school! I think it's so crazy how people can be so alike, but so different at the same time, yet we all go together..

Friends can be found anywhere, acquaintances are friendships too because you know each other and you get along with that person. I love being with my true friends, the time goes by so quickly, yet it only seems like we've been together for 10 minutes! I have the best times with my friends, and those are the memories that I'll bring with me as I get older. Those are the memories that will matter, not the loads of homework that I get, and not the bad days that I get, but the moments that I have spent with my best friends..

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