Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thank Goodness for HOLIDAYS!

Holidays are so wonderful. Especially when it's a week day because people get off of school and work, and it gives us an extra day to do whatever we want and not have to think about getting any work done, or taking any tests. Holidays can sometimes really take the pressure off my shoulders. I'm so happy to say that there is a holiday next Wednesday, Veteran's Day! There is also the Thanksgiving holiday coming up soon. That is really great because so far, it's been strictly school.school.school. But now we can actually relax more, especially from all of those piles of homework every night and those long tests that seem to be endless! I'm really looking foward to holidays, just hanging out with my family and celebrating Thanksgiving. I'm also looking foward to Christmas Vacation. It may seem like a long while away, but time really does fly very quickly. I'm just relieved that there will be less pressure to come, and more time to catch up on my sleep. Not only that, but Holidays are usualy very fun. It's time to spend with your family and friends and just have great times that will always be remembered. I'm pretty big on memories, so whenever there is a chance to make a good memory, I'm usually always up for it.

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