Friday, December 11, 2009

finals...they are coming up!

There comes a time in every teen's life, it comes twice a year, every's every teens nightmare! It's called FINALS! Finals are such a stressful time because all of the teachers try to cram in extra information that is going to be on this massive test that counts for at least 20% of your grade! I really don't handle stress very well especially when it comes to school! But I guess we all just have to get through it, because after next week of finals, is winter break! I'm so excited for that, but no so much the whole studying and test taking part. I know that I need to review everything, and some teachers are really cool when they give you study guides that practically has the test right in front of you! I'm just NOT a good studier, I always seem to get too distracted..But I know that if I don't hit the books, I'll be sorry for it later! Well, so far, I have a lot of review to do, especially for chemistry, algebra 3-4, and history! I'm so not looking forward to that, but I'm super excited for winter break. I honestly think that everyone needs a little vacation time, away from the classes, offices, and grading and just celebrate the holidays with friends and family. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's actually really true! We teens just have to get through this tough final week that's up ahead, and then we will be FREEEEEEEEE!

We have been learning about moles! Not, the ones on your face, but the ones in chemistry! A mole=602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 units! that sounds like a lot, well it is. But it's really simple. I may even think that it might be one of the easiest things we have learned in chem itself. Which is saying a lot because chem, to me, is really difficult. It seems pretty interesting on how to convert and everything...I just have to remember all of the formulas!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

GLEE! =)

Okay..this show is definitely one of my favorites! Every Wednesday, my family and I sit around the living room and we watch it. It's sooooo great how it gets better and better whenever we watch it! This week's show was very intense because Mr. Shew found out that his wife was lying about her pregnancy! It may sound like a regular soap, but it really isn't because its more about real life and musicals. At first I didn't think that I was going to get so into it, but then it just got really good. And I am not the only person who watches it! Lotss of people watch Glee. It's apparently really popular and I know why. The Glee Club sings so good and all of the drama that goes along with high school life. But unfortunately next Wednesday is the season finale. And it's supposed to be really good. It just stinks that we are all going to have to wait until next year when the next season comes!

history CRAM!

History is not such a bad class. It's just a regular class that I have to do anyway. But lately, it's been pretty complicated. My teacher is making our class answer all of these complex questions in thesis form. So basically we have to have "this happend because of this, this, and this". And it's not that bad, but it's hard to find three reasons why something is what it is. Along with that, we have a vocabulary list of about 40 words that we have to look for in our notes. Some of the words aren't even in the chapter that we are studying! I know that this is high school, and I might just be complaining about it, but still. I sort of think that the pressure is definitely on because finals week is coming up pretty soon. I just hope that this assignment is useful in the future because finals week, is definitely tough and something to study for!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Coming Back...

Like I said before, Holidays are so much fun! Especially because we get school days off! In those fabulous days, we can do whatever we want. We can sleep, go out with friends or family, or simply relax at home. Just last week, we had the Thanksgiving Holiday which was four days long! (two of those days were school days). We had a three day school week! That was really something that I and I'm sure a lot of other people can get used to, quickly. Those days off I had a lot of family time, which is always the best! My family and I went to the movie on Thanksgiving morning to see The Blind Side. It was such a great movie! Later more family came over for Thanksgiving dinner, which of course was super delicious. The next day, my family and I decorated our house for CHRISTMAS! It just happens to be a tradition of ours to decorate after Thanksgiving, but it was really fun. During those days I also went to visit family over the weekend, went out to eat breakfast with my family, and watched a lot of movies right in the living room. Lotssss of family time this weekend, and it was nice. But on Monday, it was super hard to get up! I swear, I was totally not in the mood to start all over again, to get back into my school routine, and to do the everyday homework. I was so not ready for that, and now that this week is going, I can't wait for winter break! (or at least the weekend!) We only have a couple of weeks away, and I'm sure that they will just fly by..

Friday, November 13, 2009


In chem we are doing a molecule project/ molecule web page and I'm sort of excited! For my molecule I chose Cinnamaldehyde. I chose it because it reminded me of cinnamon, and who doesn't love cinnamon! And while I was learning more about it, I found out that it gives cinnamon its flavor and coloring. I think that is really interesting because cinnamon is such a common household product, it was cool that other things were involed with making it delicious! I know that this project is not going to be sooooooo bad because I'm pretty interested in my topic. I don't want to sound like a nerd, but this project might be one of the most interesting. Not actually doing the project because it just adds to my homework list, but because Cinnamaldehyde is pretty cool.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thank Goodness for HOLIDAYS!

Holidays are so wonderful. Especially when it's a week day because people get off of school and work, and it gives us an extra day to do whatever we want and not have to think about getting any work done, or taking any tests. Holidays can sometimes really take the pressure off my shoulders. I'm so happy to say that there is a holiday next Wednesday, Veteran's Day! There is also the Thanksgiving holiday coming up soon. That is really great because so far, it's been strictly But now we can actually relax more, especially from all of those piles of homework every night and those long tests that seem to be endless! I'm really looking foward to holidays, just hanging out with my family and celebrating Thanksgiving. I'm also looking foward to Christmas Vacation. It may seem like a long while away, but time really does fly very quickly. I'm just relieved that there will be less pressure to come, and more time to catch up on my sleep. Not only that, but Holidays are usualy very fun. It's time to spend with your family and friends and just have great times that will always be remembered. I'm pretty big on memories, so whenever there is a chance to make a good memory, I'm usually always up for it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween: Time For Fun and HAUNT!

Well, this weekend was Halloween! The only reason why I like Halloween is because of the delicious candy. But, I didn't getting candy this year! Insted I went to Great America for the Haloween Huant Fest. Halloween just happens to be my cousin's birthday, so we celebrated it at Great America. I was super excited because I love Great America! I always have the time of my life there, and the rollar coaster rides are the best. I was really nervous though because as much as I like Great America, I have never been to the Halloween Haunt Fest. I have only heard about it, but I still had no idea what I was exprecting. Once it started, it was really creepy at first, but it turned out to be fun. All of the workers got really into the whole Halloween theme and it was very impressive. I got scarred a couple of times and all of the rides were great. So, I had a lot of fun, definately something that will be remembered. This weekend I did have "the best day ever at Paramount's Great America."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Flame Test Lab + LIFE

This week we did a lab that included flames and how they change colors depending on which element is being burned. It was really cool because there were all sorts of different colors that appeared! Colors like red,hot pink, green and other showed and it was pretty cool on how the element and fire reacted.

This week was also HOMECOMING WEEK! All this week we dressed up according to the theme of the day (like wacky Wednesday!) It was really fun to see everyone all dressed up and it was really pumping everyone up for the homecoming football games and the homecoming dance! And today was the homecoming rally. I danced in the rally to "Single Ladies" with a bunch of other people and we did really good! It was lots of fun to dance in front of everybody and seeing everyone's faces. I know that I had a blast! I also skipped 2nd and 4th period to do my little dance number! I had lots of fun dancing and I really want to do it again! And after school me and some friend are watching the homecoming game! Hopefully we win. It's the first game that we play with the lights! But I don't think that they're ours....But still. It's pretty exciting. What a day...What a day it's going to be=]

Friday, October 16, 2009

Essay and Encore

Well, this week was pretty tough. I have had worse weeks, but this was a week that was still intense. The most important things that happened this week were writing a French Revolution essay and trying out for Mills' dance team called Encore.

This essay was really hard for me to do because I have never done two-part paragraphs the way that my teacher does it. It was tough finding all of the evidences and supporting evidences to prove my thesis. The hardest part was the analysis and making sure that the essay made sence! Luckily I had the rest of today to turn it in because my class had to turn it in on a website which gave me more time to finish and make sure that it was perfect. I'm sure glad that that's over.

This week I also thought that it would be fun to try out for Encore. I love to dance and I have danced for about six years. I thought that I might as well just try out for the team and see what happens. I was a nervous disaster though! I didn't think that I was going to be so nervous, but then I was shaking! I have no idea on how I did. Hopefully I made an impression on them that will last. But, I guess I will just have to see what happens in the future.

Friday, October 9, 2009

PTO International Meeting

Before I talk about this PTO Meeting, I have to say that this week has been pretty intense. I don't know why but it seemed like all of my teachers wanted to give me homework. I had a lot of work to do in so little time. I'm so happy that this week is finally over, and know i can catch up on some sleep hours!

Anyway, along with this stressful week, I also participated in the PTO International Meeting where my Latina Club and I danced. First, we had to remember what our dance was because we haven't practice since last year! Then, we needed to get all of our outfits put together. I know that it doesn't seen like a lot, but it was. We all pretty much forgot the dance, so we had to start all over again. We had an hour of practice almost everyday, along with that I had a bunch of homework! This week was stressful, but everything turned out great.

The dance we performed in front of students,faculty,and families turned out wonderful! I had a lot of fun. On top of that, I got all of my work done! I'm so happy that everything turned out for the better and I know that these types of weeks are going to get even more similar as the year goes by..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Isa Stress

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been working on these Isa worksheets. The first worksheet was called Not A test, which I horribly failed. Even though it wasn't a test, I still did really bad on it. The next one was called Isa Practice. That worksheet helped me out a lot because we worked on the problems and we learned how to solve them which helped me because I did not get the work. Then came the Isa Quiz. Isa Quiz was the actual quiz and it was going to be graded on the same problems that we did on the Isa Practice. However, I did not do so great. My chemistry grade went pretty down and that was not good at all. Thankfully we got to retake it. The worksheet that we just did was called Isa Test. I felt comfortable while I was doing the problems, but I have no idea how I did. I'm not too sure if I completely did worse than the Isa Quiz, or if I did a lot better and saved my grade. I'm not sure when we will get the Isa test back, but I hope that I did well and better than the last time.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Web Element Project

This week was pretty hectic because we had to do a project involing an element. We choose an element and we have to do a lot of research on it and present it on a 3x3 table along with pictures. This project seems easy, but it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Organizing the table and the pictures in the table was totally hard! The research was hard to find because the questions were complicated to find the exact answer for. Then I did the table too big and the pictures were too big, so the table was running off of the page! I had to start over and re-layout the whole thing. But by the same token, i did learn a lot about my elemnt, helium. I learned that when you inhale it, the helium vibrates the vocal chords at a big amount of speed to make your voice become a lot squeakier. I also learned that we use helium in scuba-diving tanks to help us breathe, which is really useful. I guess this project was helpful and I did retain some information on helium that I did not know. This project was hard, but it was worth it!

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Got to write the units cause the units are so KEY!"

So, this week in chemistry we did music videos for conversion factors. The song was really catchy and it worked if you wanted to remember the rules on conversion factors. In the video we sang the song and we had to make it fun and exciting. Our video was pretty nice, however when i had to scream the part that goes "Got to write the unis cause the units are so key!", it was not the best moment. The video was fun at the time but once we looked at it, it didn't look the way that i thought it did. But once Mr.Olson put all of the videos together, it looked really nice. I liked how all of the students were shown and i liked how it seemed like we were all singing at the same time. It was funny, and an interesting way to learn about conversion factors. I didn't really favor it at the time, but overall it was pretty fun.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

these past weeks..

We took a quiz called "Isa Quiz" and i must admit that i was pretty surprised. I knew some of the questions, but overall, it was harder than I thought it was going to be. Maybe I wasn't very prepared, but I'm anxious on how I did.

We also learned how to measure the volume of a liquid. It was kind of confusing at first because you have to look at the meniscus and see where it lands on the measure. Your first instinct is to look at the top of the water and measure it from there, but you have to remember to look at the lower point of the water. That part, the remembering, was probably the trickiest.

Learning how to weigh an object in grams was another thing that we learned in chemistry. That was tough too because you had to be really exact with the weight. If the weight of something wasn't exact, you had to turn the dial and then look at where it lines up to find your weight. I though that I was never going to get it, but I'm starting to understand it now.

These lessons were just the beginning of what I'm going to learn in chemistry. At this point, chemistry is going to be an experience!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Blog About It.

I never thought that I would ever be blogging, and if I were to want to blog, I would have never thought that I would be blogging for my chemistry class! I think that it's a good experience though because it's always good to try new things because you never know if you may like it or not. Trying new things also makes a good memory, and story.

I have never experienced blogging about anything in my life before. I think it's pretty interesting how the world can read whatever you are thinking in that moment. That part of it is sort of bitter/sweet because what if you're talking about your opinions, everyone can see it if they wanted to. Then again if you feel strongly about a certain topic, then you can fully express yourself. Blogging is strictly your thoughts on anything that you want to talk about and it's a good way to vent. It's as if blogging is like a personal journal that you would write in every night. So far, blogging is not so bad. It is definitely a new thing for me.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Penny Lab

In the Penny Lab, our group of people put our pennies into a hot dish filled with Zinc. We had to mix the Zinc and the pennies to make sure the pennies were covered in Zinc. Later, once we let the pennies sit, we realized that our pennies had turned silver. Then we held our pennies over fire and the penny started to turn gold. Over the fire the penny turned back to its regular copper color, but seconds after it turned into a gold color. I'm not too sure if we actually made real gold, but to find that out i think we would have to match the molecules of the "new penny" and see if they match the ones of gold, just to make sure. Overall the lad was interesting because i have never seen a penny turn gold before.

Goals and Passions

my goals in life..
one of the most important goals that i want to complete in my life is to make the best of it. another goal of mine is to get my driver's license as soon as i can! i can't wait to be on the road. i also want to graduate high school while doing the best that i can academically and socially. i really want to meet all sorts of people while i'm in high school to make more of those friends that last a lifetime. i want to go to San Francisco State University and study to become a psychiatrist. i also want to go skydiving and take a road trip to Disney World in Florida. along with that, i really want to able to travel around the world and have good experiences.

my passions in life..

well, to be honest, im not really passionate about a lot of things. i love a lot of things, but passionate seems like a deeper importance than to just love something. but i am passionate about dance. i love to dance and i especially love to dance hip-hop and traditional latin dances. i think that dancing is definately something that makes you feel good. im also passionate about family. i think family is really important because family members help you through anything in life and they truely stay to support you forever in life.